Association of Active and Positive Youths – APY

Active and Positive Youth Association

Active and Positive Youth Association


Introduction to Active and Positive Youth

Active and Positive Youth association is a cultural youth association, comprising the cream of active youth in civil society who believe that positive change is the responsibility of every individual in the community. Additionally, it is open to all young people to share ideas, exchange experiences, and integrate into social life. Founded on April 27, 2013, under visa number 2012N01683APSF1, its headquarters is located in Tunis, Al Khadra neighborhood, Sheikh Mohamed Belkadi Street, Block 5



Goals of Active and Positive Youth

Our Tools

In order to achieve the mentioned goals, Active and Positive Youth Association uses the following tools:


Programmed Activities

Engagement in the Active and Positive Youth

Individuals interested in joining must first download the member’s guide from the association’s website for review and approval. Subsequently, they should visit the association and complete the registration file, which includes the following documents:

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Fulfillment of the annual membership fee determined by the executive office of the association, with a value of:

Membership form: Adhesion JAP

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